A thousand years is like one day and one day is like a thousand years

Reflection from Charles E. Melendrez

People say that 2000 years have passed and Jesus still hasn’t returned…so they blow it off as hogwash and they don’t believe it. And because of that they live their life as they please, with no regard as to what the Scriptures say or what people tell them.
Well, the Bible says that to God, a thousand years is like one day and one day is like a thousand years. Our ways of thinking are not like His ways of thinking…Isaiah 55:8-9. His ways are far beyond our comprehension, for He is the Sovereign King. So in all actuality, it has only been 2 days for Him. But He is coming back, and the evil that is running rampant in this world today…it is gonna be very soon, and Satan knows his time is short.
Can’t you see how much worse this world has become compared to only a few years ago? We are living in the last hour. Remember, He has a different timetable than ours. Today is the day of salvation. Are you ready? God will not play hide an seek with you and you cannot hide your sins. He will not say, “Ready or not here I come!” He will come unexpectedly like a thief in the night. You must be ready!! God hates sin, and He will not allow sin into heaven, so we must take inventory of our hearts and get rid of anything that will keep us out of heaven.