About marriage, do you have some suggestions?

For a Christian, do you believe that God prepares only One for you?

Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires. --Son2:7
This would be a good suggestion from Solomon.

I don’t know. Sometimes I am a little confused about this question. I think I need more faith.

You must keep your purity and your home, never fall in temptation.

Marriage is very important. We should consider this very carefully and intrust it to God’s hands from the very beginning.

You should be really careful, and I think you should know more about God’s love first.

Pray for your marriage and prepare yourself well.
The preparation include building good relationship with God and knowing responsibility in family.
Before the right person appear in your life, you should trust in God and wait.
Bible tells us do not yoked together with unbelievers. It is the base line.

Yes, I believe God prepares only One for me from the very beginning. First I think we should develop intimate relationship with God and have a discernment when the right person come. For me the right person is suppose to have the same vision as mine.