Anyone who has a problem with the theological truth of the Tri-unity of God needs to read John chs.14-16 slowly, carefully.
Who is a liar but the one who denies that JESUS is the CHRIST, This is the antichrist, the one who denies any refuses to acknowledge the FATHER and the SON. Whosoever denies the SON does not have the FATHER, the one who confesses the SON has the FATHER also. !!! plain as day . JESUS said: if I go to the FATHER, HE will send the HOLY GHOST. !! Plain as day.
the trinity is false teaching that came right out of the pagan Roman Catholic Church. The apostle’s never taught this false doctrine they knew better.
Anyone who believes in god the son and god the holy spirit is believing and teaching non biblical statements because neither god the son nor god the holy spirit appear in GODS HOLY WORD. There is but ONE GOD the FATHER and HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON and GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT or HOLY SPIRIT of GOD or the HOLY SPIRIT of CHRIST the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of GOD.