Are science and religion in harmony with each other? Why or why not?

Are science and religion in harmony with each other? Why or why not?
EDIT: Are true science and true religion in harmony with each other? Why or why not?

Scott Alan Kinsey

Well if you believe in an all knowing, all powerful God - if they don’t fit one Is wrong - you can’t be all knowing and have the science wrong. I’d say man ( scientist ) have been trying to understand The all knowing all powerful gods science and hasn’t been able to unravel the science of the complicated creation yet. Some “discoveries “ are correct and many we latter unravel and discover what we thought to be truth were wrong .

Mark Buchanan

Science and God ARE in harmony. It’s those that put their faith in science before their faith in God that are not in harmony with the All Mighty.

Dave Macarthur

Yes. They fully support each other. Its man that is the issue. We always get both wrong.

Brandilyn Chalmers

Scott Alan Kinsey, they very possibly could be, depending on which religion you adhere to. The real question is, Are we in harmony with Jesus and what He represents and what He accomplished? Everything revolves around that. God bless you and may His grace shine upon you.

Allen Scott

Yes definitely. Science when used correctly should always point to God, the creator of the universe.

John J Kim