As the Heavens are Higher than the Earth, So are my ways higher than your ways

Oh, where is the way?
I usually ask the question as I feel there is no ways opened for my future. Are you facing or have faced the same issue as I do?
Jobs, housing, relationships, even future plan…

As the prophet Isaiah got an answer from the Lord for Israel while they are trapped in their way,
“ as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”, the Lord also prepared an answer for you and I today in your uncertainty.
Sincere you and I received Jesus as Savior, the things matters us is all in the sovereignty God’s palm. In fact, he has a way prepared for his children. Whenever you and I prayed to HIM, call upon his almighty name, he will answer and select a best way for you and I.

“Oh, where is the way?”
When you and I ask this question, he answers, “My beloved child, your way is in my hand! I will guide you wherever you go! I prepare a way for you out of my loving will and plan! ”

And Jesus says, "I am the way! "

@Ma_Josephine: We shape our own future…we strive hard and do our part as God will fill up the rest…We may encounter hardships and became anxious on what comes ahead, but we must not lose our hope that sooner or later we will achieve and have it in God’s perfect time…Just lean and trust God along the journey…

Hello @Ma_Josephine God has good plans for you. They are not plans for your failure or defeat. They are plans to ‘prosper you’. They are not average or mediocre plans. They are good, pleasing and perfect Romans 12:2. But God will not force his plans on you. All God’s plans require your cooperation. If you want his plans to be fulfilled in your life, you need to seek him. He promises that, if you do so, you will be found by him Jeremiah 29:13–14. As you spend time with him, you will become like him and he will lead you into the good plans he has for your life.

Hello, dear @Ma_Josephine
What a great reflection! I am sure this has happened to all of us some time in our lives… We feel lost or scared and we blame the Lord because things do not happen exactly how we wanted… Well, as when we guide our childrens when growing up, the same applies to us with our Father. We can’t expect to understand him, but we must know he has his way for all of us, and that way is a happy and fulfilling one, we only need to accept his guide in our hearts.
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero.

The journey is different when you are walking with Christ. What may seem impossible, is possible with Him. Trust Him, trust His plans and ways. Let go and let God.