As the Lord forgave you

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All of us should have a heart that forgives, such as Christ displayed upon the cross…Although forgiving someone is one of the hardest thing to do, but we have to because when we harbor anger and resentment and withhold forgiveness we hurt ourselves too. Such negative emotions can rob us of our happiness, restrict our life, make us miserable and they can also pose a serious health risk for us like depression and anxiety… Whereas if we learn to forgive people in time, we preserve unity and peace, thereby safeguarding relationships…

As lord can forgive people, and so as we. We are nothing like him, forgive others in that way God will forgive your sins as well.

Hello, dear @Jenny
I’m loving your post hehe. I really felt this piece of advice, sometimes with how much problems I had in my life within my country I feel a deep hate in my heart, but I know this is not good. Everybody needs to forgive to be free of those bad feelings… Not forget! But forgiveness is the first part of being over with stuff that hurts us.
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero.

@Jenny Yeah its true.
In reality some us are not doing this practice. Sometimes they cursing someone or think that “Karma” will hit that person. at first i believe in this word. Thanks to my community they help me how to forgive and never ask for the “Karma” Hit that person.
And One thing also if you do bad things you must forgive yourself.

Yes I agree with you we must learned how to forgive because forgiveness simply means loving someone enough to pursue healing instead of punishments when they have wronged you.