Asking for prayer for the lungs / pneumonia build up in her lungs

I am at the hospital this is Jessica . Her mother is asking for prayer for the lungs / pneumonia build up in her lungs. They said one is full of pneumonia the other lung is 1/2 full. She also is beginning to build up fluid and running a fever. She is in an induced coma while on ventilator. Her right hand is swollen. She needs prayers for her liver. I spent a while with her speaking prayers and life over her and it blessed me knowing so many of you are in agreement praying for her. There is a massive prayer chain going!! I am believing this sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God!! Speak life over her in the name of Jesus!!! We need her back with her two small children.
Thank you again for the outpouring of love and prayers we have had over the last few days!! Love you all!

Angie Taylor

Father in heaven I call out to you and lift Jessica up in your hands Lord. You above all know what is happening here. Father clear Jessicas lungs and fill them with air. Heal her Lord and all her organs. You said that when one or more are gathered in your name, there you are also. Jessica needs a miracle Lord that only you can provide. We give you the glory and in your sons name Jesus I pray Amen.

Michelle T Almand

Isaiah 53:5“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”

Jose Javier

I declare healing upon your I cover you with the blood of Jesus the blood of of Jesus is healing you now

Lala Ndaba

Father, we lift up Jessica to you. We thank you that you go before us in all things. We thank you that you hold our hand and carry us daily. We thank you that you are our rear guard. Father, pour out your grace and mercy on Jessica. Bring healing and restoration wherever needed to her body, mind, and emotions. Carry her emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, socially, and functionally. Bring the necessary hope, encouragement, strength, and willingness to fight for her own life to Jessica. Minister to the deep seeded needs of her soul, along with the needs of each person who is concerned about her welfare. Draw each individual into a deeper and more fulfilling relationship with you. If salvation is needed for anyone who is concerned about Jessica, including herself, we pray for your precious Holy Spirit to draw them unto yourself. Open eyes to see, ears to hear, and minds to understand the benefits of diligently seeking you. We thank you that you are more than able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could ever ask for or imagine. We thank you for your Abba Father’s heart toward each of us individually. Help Jessica’s lungs to clear and her physical body to operate as it should. Give all those in charge of making decisions about her care, your wisdom, discernment, knowledge and understanding of the best possible treatment for the best possible outcome. Meet the specific needs of each of her children. Help them to not fear or be anxious about their mom and her welfare. Carry them emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, socially and financially through this situation. Guard their hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. We thank you for your Abba Father’s heart toward each individual. Help those around Jessica to speak positively about and to Jessica. Help her lungs to completely heal and empty of any remaining infection or mucus. Help Jessica to get mobile and clear out her lungs. We thank you, lifting up all these things to you, in the mighty, and unstoppable name, of our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Sarah Carson

Oh Dear Lord God Our Father in Heaven please help Jessica she is in very bad condition. Lord you are a great God, you healed the blind, you made the dead girl to come alive. These were the miracles you tell us in your word. Lord do a miracle in this woman’s life. Lord if it be your will we are asking your mercy and grace to be given to Jessica and may she wake and we all will b praising you for yes YOU LORD GOD ARE REAL. YOU TELL US WE HAVE NOT BECAUSE WE ASK NOT. SO WE ARE ASKING? In Jesus holy name we pray---- Amen. Thank you my Lord. Linda Scott

Linda Scott

Lord you are powerful please heal Jessica in the name of Jesus christ Amen

Joan Batang Mabborang

Frederic Tims