Atheists Must Be Allowed to Pray at Gov’t Meetings

I came across this news this morning. It is indeed an interesting news. There are 2 sides to this news as far as I see. First is the Supreme Courts support for prayers. I appreciate the fact that the people in authority still care for prayers and I admire the fact that they say we need to continue this tradition of prayer as it was the tradition that was instigated by the founding fathers themselves. Glad to have court authorities give out such statements.

But the second part brought in a lot of concern in me. They also want the people who don’t belong to Abrahamic religions to give the invocation prayer.

I think this is a question of discussion. What can be the response of the government that would cheer the believers and God in such a situation as this? The situation is it is quiet tough to treat people with differences in an office setting. How can this be properly organized in such a way that it would benefit both the sides?

ONLY my personal opinion here:

It can’t.