Be VERY careful with any teaching that says things the Bible does not say

Im not saying whats True or False … all I’m saying is we should ALL …ALWAYS … Be VERY careful with any teaching that says things the Bible does not say While at the same time rejecting or twisting what it actually does say …. Doctrines of Man ,

Marcus Bland

If you alter any scripture in any way (even one) you are no longer professing Christianity. You have created your own new religion. Same with people who sight the original language to tell you what the scripture “really means”. That is your new transla… See more

Lance Carter

The Bible in many parts is not to be taken literally anyway - people need to be intelligent enough to be led by good conscience - so relax as it can’t be taken as Gods word from A - Z

Brendan Miskell

We have been fore warned about such teachings by both Jesus and Paul.Phillipians 1… See more

Masimini Pilson