Being a parent can be frustrating at times. We deal and cope with adult situations, stresses, and struggles that a child just can’t understand. We need to understand that a child does not need to be taught negative things. We don’t have to teach them to steal, lie, or cheat…. It comes natural with the seed of sin within us all. We must filter out our negativity and with all love guide them in the way they should go. Correction for consequences of wrongful acts must be filtered through God’s lenses. So let’s practice the pause and not react to our children’s bad behavior but prayerfully and carefully respond according to God’s wishes for our little ones
Proverbs 22:6
Matthew 19:14
Even in the womb we hear you so we know you like no other can Please enter the JOY of the day while Pregnant And speak not a harsh word to your wife Lest your child grow up hating you