Can a believer, born-again person, disciple, follower of the way, true Christian, have the Holy Spirit and evil spirit(s) at the same time?

Good morning everyone, if I may, I’d like to ask a question since this is a group for us believers of the Most High God, Jesus Christ our Lord, to discuss different matters and edify. (I posted on another group too)
Q: Can a believer, born-again person, disciple, follower of the way, true Christian, have the Holy Spirit and evil spirit(s) at the same time?
I don’t mean to cause any strife, please refrain yourselves from doing that. Be loving to each other. I have personally read the Bible and prayed to God about these things, that’s why I come to ask now also.
Provide scriptures please please please, that should cut answers in half.
P.s. I was delivered throughout the month of December 2021 (4 times by myself while worshipping and praying), an intense chapter in my life truly, a raging war for my soul, I didn’t even expect that to happen but it did. While I began to learn about to spiritual warfare earlier in April, as soon as I did, not long after, I had nights of torment transcending from sleep to also while being awake.
So thank God and by His mercy I am here today, alive and able to seek Him. I know more than enough about the real spiritual warfare spoken of in Ephesians, I have lived it, witnessed it. Yet, I have that major question, I still have many things to learn. I’m a Berean type of person, so the first thing I do is go to scripture. I hope some of you can shed some light in the matter. The power of God is still moving, that is not in question. I’ll share part of my testimony soon.
God bless you all. To God be the glory.

Efra Garcia Jr.

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Yes Christians can have multiple demons

Oliver Kent

You are mostly right but the Holy Spirit and demons cannot dwell in the same temple. Darkness has nothing in common with light. The bible tells us that when the perfect spirit appears, the imperfect spirit will disappear.

Eze Uwa

Holy Spirit and demon cannot dwell in the same temple. When the perfect Spirit appears, the imperfect Spirit will disappear.

Eze Uwa

Absolutely not. When we are born again we are given a new heart. We have to renew our minds. We don’t get hearts when we go to be with the Lord…we get new bodies.

Tim Penick

I’m glad you asked this. Yes and too many are living with demons from their past. Bible call it iniquity, habitual behavior caused as protection from pain and God wants us free from that. I had a rejection spirit from my mother. God showed me after He … See more

Sharon Kelly

That’s why Jesus gave us the power of deliverance.

Bobbi-Jo Slager

If you’re been tormented by demonic spirits/demons
I recommend Daily Mercy it’s an online deliverance program that you can do from anywhere that you have internet. , look for Daily Mercy and schedule a call :pray:t2:

While the Bible does not explicitly state whether a Christian can be possessed by a demon, related biblical truths make it abundantly clear that Christians cannot be demon possessed. There is a distinct difference between being possessed by a demon and being oppressed or influenced by a demon. Demon possession involves a demon having direct/complete control over the thoughts and/or actions of a person (Matthew 17:14-18; Luke 4:33-35; 8:27-33). Demon oppression or influence involves a demon or demons attacking a person spiritually and/or encouraging him/her into sinful behavior. Notice that in all the New Testament passages dealing with spiritual warfare, there are no instructions to cast a demon out of a believer (Ephesians 6:10-18). Believers are told to resist the devil (James 4:7;
1 Peter 5:8-9), not to cast him out.

Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9-11; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19). Surely the Holy Spirit would not allow a demon to possess the same person He is indwelling. It is unthinkable that God would allow one of His children, whom He purchased with the blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:18-19) and made into a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), to be possessed and controlled by a demon. Yes, as believers, we wage war with Satan and his demons, but not from within ourselves. The apostle John declares, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Who is the One in us? The Holy Spirit. Who is the one in the world? Satan and his demons. Therefore, the believer has overcome the world of demons, and the case for demon possession of a believer cannot be made scripturally. Demonic influence and oppression are realities for Christians, no doubt, but it is simply not biblical to say that a Christian can be possessed by a demon.

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If you are been tormented by witchcraft, demonic activity , fear, depression, illness addictions ,emotional traumas, wounds of the soul or other mental health issues.
Daily Mercy can help you be delivered !!!

We have spiritual warfare constantly. In 2 Corinthians 12:6 thru 12:9, Paul speaks of this. I like Romans 7:14 thru 7:25. It doesn’t go away, or at least I haven’t experienced the absence of that battle. I think Satan attacks us from the outside in an attempt to replace the Holy Spirit in us.

Yes, salvation is in the soul realm. That is where you meet God. Devils are tormentors in the spirit realm.

No scriptures speaks of a man being filled with both the Holy Spirit of Christ and an evil spirit also abiding within the man. Such an idea is imaginary and fraught with doubt and instability of the man.

Holy Spirit to some, demon to some, but they are both entities that were made to help and direct us