Can anyone put this pictures together? I just lost my grandmother and she won’t be able to make it to my wedding and I want to have a picture with her next to me in my wedding dress!

Can anyone put this pictures together? I just lost my grandmother and she won’t be able to make it to my wedding and I want to have a picture with her next to me in my wedding dress!
If anyone can put her with me and change the back ground I would be so happy! I have been so upset all day thinking I don’t have any pictures with her and she won’t be able to attend the wedding.
Also asking for prayers for my family and the comfort & strength & love from the Lord! Thank you very much Christian friends & family
God bless you!


Taylor Naniot

Sorry for your loss

Paula Gutridge Hancock

What a beautiful gift that would be. I’m sorry I’m technologically limited or I would do this for you. My Granny was my hero, I understand the love you have for her.

Daree Grier

My Prayers are with you

Robin Black

So sorry for your lost

Lisa Locklear

Be strong dear

Ernest Noamesi

I’m trying to make it look like she was really there with you.

Redwine Merx

Do you like this one again?

Mami Debbie Vahyela
