Can anyone tell me if there is anything in the Bible prophesied directly for the United States?

Question: Can anyone tell me if there is anything in the Bible prophesied directly for the United States? What name would it be? Are we the Babylonia? Sorry if this sounds dumb.

Amanda Rosser

I’m sorry but the usa isn’t mentioned in prophecy in the Bible. I guess we aren’t as important as we want to be. Maybe we are blown up by or nuked before the end. Many Americans try finding us by stretching biblical text but the more I study it we aren’t there . Egypt is Egypt. Babylon is Babylon. Sorry to disappoint you but the USA is not the most important country in Gods prophecy

Mark Buchanan

I have visited the USA many times when in the forces, a lovely country, many good people, but there is alot of false prophets , false teachers and false Christians, Satan is definitely at work , watched the film The Mauritanian the other night reference Guantanimo Bay prison, very harrowing , 779 prisoners locked up without a trial , without convictions , 6 were convicted of a crime , at least 3 were of those were overturned. Therefore the other 776 were innocent , tortured, raped, subject to horrendous abuse , all on the orders of the Presidents, Bush and Obama and Donald Rumsfeldt that doesn’t sound like a land of justice and freedom to me.

Mark Newcombe

The Book of Mormon is definitely NOT the Holy Bible.

Lin Sons

I don’t have an answer for you but please don’t think any questions you have (that you don’t have the answer to) is dumb. That’s how we learn.

Penny Haehl

All I need is God’s word from his Bible and Jesus spirit to guide me hes all I need I love you Lord your my comforter my protector and delivered me and set me free and I want to live the rest of my life praising your name thank you Lord for always being with me you’re so worthy of praise

Devin Barber

Yes we United States is Babylon

Don Cheve

America will be Satan’s 7th AND 8th Kingdom on the earth. America will break into 4 nations and out of one of the 4 nations will come the false messiah. The false messiah will put America back together again and America will become Satans last empire up to the second coming. America will become a Kingdom with a KING. The false messiah will be crowned King of America.

Raymond Lindroth