Can we gather 1000 reasons to thank God? Reply with yours!

For everything is in God’s control, I have peace

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Thank God for his sacrifice

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For all the blessing God gave me

James 1:17 Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.

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Thank Our Lord, because of his salvation, I CAN come into God’s presence

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Thanks God so much, for his unchanging love for me!!


Thank you Lord, for all the blessings for me.


Thank you my dear Lord, because of You I have a new life in Jesus Christ!


Thank you for showing me that you have a great plan for this world and my life. I love you!:heart_eyes:

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Thanks God

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Thank God for giving me a daughter! :heart_eyes::grin:

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Thanks God gives me an excellent family. 889b09da520e006232fa1c7f


Thank you for preparing the best person for me to spend my life with even from the beginning of the world. And THANK YOU for letting me find him!! :heart_eyes:


He is my salvation!

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For my meaningful work God gave me~

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Thank God for taking care of my daily life in RS.

For every new day, for every friend around me, for the wonderful world, Thank God

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For the truth I heard…


I am thankful that God lets me know how he loves me.


Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.

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