Christ centered anxiety recovery

Hi everyone,

I’m Dr. Nick Curcio, a Believer and Clinical Psychologist.

I’ve been asked a lot recently how to help Christians overcome anxiety and develop a deeper relationship with the Lord.

I’ve found that both Scripture and much of modern psychological research complement each other, while secular psychotherapy leaves out intimacy with God and the existence of the spiritual realm.

My passion in life is melding Scripture and science to arm and edify the Body of Christ.

I’m considering putting together a free video where I’ll teach what I know about overcoming anxiety using proven psychotherapeutic methods through a Christ-centered lens. While this is free, I really want to make sure I cover everything people actually want.

Would anyone be interested in this? If so, can you please fill out the below Google Survey? It’s approximately 6 short questions and would give me a sense of what to include.

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