Conservative Media and Christians

This is not exactly a Christian topic, however it is connected to it. There is a painfully lesson that was learned about conservative media in these last few weeks. And the hard reality is that all of them from DW, Turning Point, Epoch, and The Blaze are just a different side of the same coin. They all have a brand that they are marketing to attract a target audience and it is strictly business at the end of the day. This is in spite of what folks who work for them will try and say how they are all friends to the contrary.

Now I’m not saying that we shouldn’t get the news or commentary from them. But we Christians should be aware that these folks at these organizations are not really as relatable to us contrary to their branding nor are they the down home average folks they make themselves out to be. That much was made obvious by the disconnected and unhinged rants over the struggle of buying once a week steak and only the rich affording eggs, while at the same time those same folks can afford hundred dollar hair stylings, dresses, and go to big conservative party events. Conservatives and even Evangelicals have its own set of elites, not just the left.

#Conservatives #Liberals #Right #Left #Evangelicals