Dear Lord Our Shepherd, today I pray for all your lost sheep to find you

Dear Lord Our Shepherd, today I pray for all your lost
sheep to find you. I pray that the Sheep that already know you Proclaim that you are their Justice! That because of you they were saved that your the only way! For your the way to getting Salvation and a External life! To be Blessed beyond all measure! Your Our
Diamond in the rough. You God are what makes Miracles Happen and the Foggy Appearance of Struggles in our days to become Very Clear. You are Our Daily Bread you are the provider and Answer of all prayers you are our ultimate Healer to those who are lost and those who are Broken. Many tears and pain of struggle is stretched all across the
earth you Created Today. So many of you’re children are suffering and are in fear for their lives today. Lord I pray for all of those who are lost, may they find you Lord. For the children that already know you, pray they help seek and find them lost bring them to you. Lord I love you and thank you for giving me Breath and another day. Please Continue giving me the strength to encourage people and a uplifting hope for those who have fallen down to have Faith believe in You get back up and Stand on their Faith for you are our Rock Our Solid Ground.

Heather Lynn Keyser Purdy

Amen to God’s Soldiers!

Doris Butler