Did Jesus come to die or did He come as King and the Jews killed Him?

Did Jesus come to die or did He come as King and the Jews killed Him?

Christy Pearson Hall

Jesus came to save the world. Because mankind couldn’t save themselves, God sent His Son to save us. Jesus came to die for every single person, but it is for each one of us, through faith, to except His offering as Lord and Savior to receive this amazi… See more

Paul S B Mouton

No one killed Him. He had and has power over death. He let them take His life so He could accomplish the resurrection for all of us.

Bryan Gibby

He came to fulfill all righteousness and shed his blood for the remission of sins, which fulfills the requirement to lift the curse of the law.

The Watcher Chronicles

It was the Religious leaders that killed Him, as well as sinners like you and me. He deliberately took our sins on himself and paid the debt we could not pay.

Julie Merritt