Father God in the name of Jesus. We thank you for watching over us throughout another day

Midnight Hour Prayer… Father God in the name of Jesus. We thank you for watching over us throughout another day. Thank You Lord! You didn’t have to do it; but you did. Forgive us for any wrongdoing…known or unknown. Lord we know that even in the midnight hour you can turn situations around. Help us to be alert to the time we are in…You said in the last days perilous times will come. Signs and wonders are right before us. Give us a spiritual discernment. Some are going about business as usual. Help us Lord! You are powerful and mighty. We ask that you ease any pain, discomfort, stress, or worry. We believe you can and will work things out. Keep us in ur will, guide and protect us, Heal our Nation, and other countries. Cover and protect us and our families throughout the night as we slumber and sleep. In Jesus Name. We ask and pray. Amen

Osazuwa Tony Patrick

Amen Jesus Christ is able

Velma Henry


Doris Gregoire