Followers of Christ will never, in this life, agree about everything

Followers of Christ will never, in this life, agree about everything. If that was required, we’d all be doomed. Iron sharpens iron. It’s how we learn.
I posted about Andy Stanley and his ridiculous comments. Thousands think he’s a “wonderful Christian”. He’s not.
One person asked, “Why does Christian seem to be a curse word?” The answer is not a simple one liner, but more of a scatter gun, if that makes sense.
He asked if I do blood sacrifices. Sacrifices are to be done by a priest, at the temple. There are currently neither. So, no I don’t.
Then he quoted Romans 10:4. Christ is the end of the law for His followers because He paid our penalty with His life. The law is still in effect and we are expected to obey it. He fulfilled the law by perfectly obeying it AND paying the penalty. IF we believe Him, we can get saved when He comes again, get born again in the resurrection and pass through judgment.
The bottom line of a long story is, I had to “unlearn” a lot of stuff I was taught in church that isn’t true. Christianity teaches a lot of things that just aren’t in the Bible. That’s why I ask these questions.
My brother-in-law, a Christian, asked if we keep all 613 laws. What a dumb question. We don’t keep any that apply to priests or farmers. Some apply to men, and I try to obey all of them. When I sin I confess that to Him and He’s faithful to forgive me. I don’t go around acting religious, because I don’t think it says I should. I’m supposed to walk as Jesus walked. There are very definite answers to these questions in the Bible, different from what the Christian church teaches:

  1. Are we supposed to “go to church” on Sunday?
  2. Do people go to heaven when they die?
  3. Do sinners go to hell when they die?
  4. Is Easter a “Christian” holiday?
    See, when people find out they were lied to and they have believed it for their whole life, they’re mad and are reluctant to change their mind. I think we have a lot to talk about. But if you’re mad because we disagree, I’m sorry.

Also if that were true then Jesus broke his own law, multiple times. Which would make him a sinner.

Jaclyn Roberts

There’s a difference between old covenant law and new covenant law.It’s the same law but it has been explained more and more is expected of us.The law of physical faithfulness has been revealed as a spiritual law.… See more

Will Elliott

The law is not in effect, if that’s true every human on earth is going to hell. The law covered clothing, hair, beards, all kinds of things. If what you say is true then grace means nothing.

Jaclyn Roberts