For you, what does it mean to serve others?

For you, what does it mean to serve others?

Author Darrell Jackson

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This verse is taken out for context. It’s talking about how the princess of the Kingdom of Yah are supposed to reign. Not like the kings of the world who make the subjects to slave. But we as princess of the kingdom love a life of servitude as reigning princess of the kingdom keeping Father’s law. But we should be in works of Service to help the citizens of the world. Preparing the way for our Fathers kingdom that does come.

Tavia Cook

We serve out of obedience to God. We serve because we see a need. We do not serve to receive.

Eddie L. Crishom Jr.

To actively think “what would Jesus do” in every interaction I have. I’m by no means perfect at it, but I strive to emulate Christ every time I am engaging with another. That, to me, is the best witness we could ever be.

Tyler Mullan

Knowing God is really the most important thing in our daily life.

Bella Mitchell

To put their needs before your own.

Steven Richardson

God’s wisdom is infinite, His authority ultimate. Blessed are those who trust Him.

Tiffany Neith

Helping your sisters and brothers physically and spiritually. Kindness. Imitation of Jesus

Cindy Hammontree House

I serve my Lord and Master by working his fields and feeding his sheep. I’m not the servant who buried his talent, and I’m not going to be the one asking “When did I see you hungry, Lord” All this I do out of appreciation for what he has done for me.

Jeffery Blakeley

To give of oneself, not money but time and care.

Jan Cichowlas

To be/give whatever they’re needing at the moment as led by the Holy Spirit

Latoya Shea

Go in peace and love to serve the Lord

FrJane Barker