God didn’t give His life for you so that you would be ordinary. He called you to be extraordinary. You are set apart by God. He has an assignment for you to do, and He equipped you for your unique assignment. He has good plans for your life, and He put everything in you that you need for what He calls you to do. Your gifts and talents, your personality and disposition—everything is just right.
Glory be unto the lord! He called me by my name! He took me out from the darkness of the world and brought me to His marvelous light! He made me a NEW creature! I died with Him and resurrected in Him! Where ever He is there I am also!He will never for… See more
Jesus death and resurrection is for our Perfection. And for us to live a supernatural life ,.
For get not the gifts of the spirit and to do the word Use this knowledge with wisdom and discernment lest you be puffed up and fall into the condemnation of the devil be humble be strong fight the good fight of faith