God has always has an answer


True! Whatever it is that is bugging you? Talk to God about it. He knows everything and He will teach you a lot in life. His teachings may come in different ways we cannot imagine so let us hush ourselves and pay very much attention on what God is trying to teach us.

True! Most of the time I suffer anxiety attacks because I couldn’t find the right answers to my questions…Sometimes I tend to find solutions but it end up to be a disaster haha! So it is important that we seek God’s guidance in order to find the perfect answer… whatever is bothering you right now, ask God for the answer…

God has three answers. Yes, no, and wait. Because He can see what’s eternally best for us, and He can also see what’s coming down the road (and we can’t), trust His judgment. Don’t second-guess Him. His timing is always better than yours. If you are walking uprightly and what you’re asking for is truly a good thing then, according to Psalm 84:11, God is not withholding after all. It just isn’t time.

Amen @Jenny The Lord promises to be with us all the time, both leading the way and walking beside us. Many times we don’t see him because we are so engrossed in our worries and our lives. Next time you feel alone, shut out your cares for a moment and instead focus on the Lord, and he will comfort you with his presence.

These past few days, I always find myself murmuring a little prayer whenever and wherever. I find myself silently talking to God every minute of everyday. Praying for current situation, asking for his guidance that I will be able to control it and it doesn’t control me. These days, judgement are too quick, living life seems too fast and people are too busy. We can’t avoid to put stress in our minds and in our selves. I know that God will bring us to the place that He has prepared for us. For now, I am trusting Him that his plans are always better than ours and He will not abandon us despite how big or small the things we are doing. I hope one day, we will get all the answers and things that we are praying for.