God is at work. Amen
Amidst the pandemic, we must remember that all the hardships, lost and pains that we go through are all part of a bigger plans that God has prepared for us. Some days it’s hard to understand what He is doing, but trust that God is always working out everything for us. God hears more than we say, answers more than we ask, gives more than we can imagine. Do not lose our faith even if we cannot see it, always believe that everything will lead us to what exactly meant for us. Do not be afraid of tomorrow, instead pray, hope and trust that one day, everything will happen in the right time.
Hello, dear @SaltandLight
What a powerful message! Some times we don’t need to hear a big and complicated explication, because at the end of the day it will not matter at all. This is especially true with the Lord, as there are so many things we don’t understand… But those words:
Yet so simple, but so powerful! Because it’s the truth, God is working for us, every day at every moment, because he is love! And he leads by example.
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero.
Yes! We need this especially during this difficult time. Many people are in pain and doubt because of their current situation. We must help them and pray for them everyday. Let us be one as a community because this is a global pandemic. We must fight for each other and not against each other. Let us continue praying for the healing of the world. Amen.
Amen! God is at work 24/7. Our breakthroughs may take too long to come but it doesn’t mean that it won’t happen. We are in preparation to be able to see the silver lining in the storms of this life. We need to be strong and confident in the promises of God. We may falter at times but look up and receive God’s restoration and fight on.
Amen! One great way to recognize God’s work is through conviction. We all go through moments each day when we can identify a pang of guilt or a thought that challenges something sinful we’ve done. Actually, during a given week I can estimate that roughly half the people I ask this question to will be convicted over a lack of bible reading and prayer or not sharing their faith when they had the opportunity. The problem is that if we’re only experiencing a convicting God, then we’re not experiencing the true God. He is not an invigilator waiting for us to cheat on our exam before he says anything.
Only four words but very powerful. I think everyone who is still here on earth is a mess, we are all works in progress. The biggest problem when the work is still in progress, is that when the worker decides for some reason that he will no longer continue and he will terminate the job. It means the work he started will no longer be finished. Lucky for us our God never gets tired of us, He continues to work and He will never quite on us.