“God’s love for sinners is more passionate and more powerful than His hatred for their sin.”

“God’s love for sinners is more passionate and more powerful than His hatred for their sin.”

Mike Ryan

That would mean that God’s hatred for sin is not perfect: that there is a deficiency in His hatred for sin. That would make God’s holiness imperfect!

Francis Leong

He does not tolerate sin

Scoop Mendenhall

Blade Wackerling Youre saying God makes mistakes he puts our name on the lambs book of life , before the foundation of the world but has to rub it off at the end , so God doesn’t have fore knowledge ? You’re saying he doesn’t know who will be saved and… See more

Charles Connelly

You are so right. God wants and loves me so much. Even when I’m a mess because of lack of self control and choices

Mark Buchanan

3 Signs You Are A Pharisee - YouTube

Mike Ryan