I cannot remember where I got this but have saved it to read over and over and share with so many who need to see this because they think God should magically fix everything in this world. We have free will and must trust Him . Once we disobeyed God in the Garden we introduced Satan and we have to deal with all the terrible things happening . Our hope and peace is with Him in His world,heaven.
I asked God to take away my habit. God said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. God said, No. his spirit is whole, his body is only temporary.
I asked God to grant me patience. God said, No. patience is a byproduct of tribulations; it isn’t granted, it is learned.
I asked God to give me happiness. God said, No. I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you.
I asked to God to spare me pain. God said, No. suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.
I asked God to make my spirit grow. God said, No. you must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.
I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life. God said, No. I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things.
I asked God to help me love others, as much as He loves me. God said… Ahhhh. finally, you have the idea.
Yes indeed! Sometimes no is the best gift God could give us. His no leads to a greater yes when that yes is knowing Him more deeply and fully. We live in a fallen world full of nos and disappointments, but we have a risen Savior in whom all the promises of God find their yes in him (2 Corinthians 1:20). Suffering in this world is inevitable, even for the Christian. However, we can respond to suffering and the nos of life with trusting and hopeful hearts this side of the cross, because in Christ we can believe that God’s no is going to be a redeemed yes to something else someday.
Sometimes a God’s NO or some delay may be a test for us. Test for our faith and patience. God tests us so that we can know that He is faithful to us, even if His answers are not what we seek and wanted, but for us to open our minds and eyes that it’s all part of His bigger plans. Sometimes a NO leads us to the right directions. We often forget that a NO or unanswered prayers are also part of life. That’s how we learn, that’s how we get to the right places, right people and leads us to the things that God has in store for us.
The most painful answer you can ever receive when asking for something, especially when you are asking it from a God who is loving gracious and merciful. Moreover you will never expect to hear NO from a God who said in His words that He will give the desires of our hearts. Eventually this is more than true, He is saying know because the God we are talking about here is an all knowing God. This means He knows what is best for us, more than we know ourselves. So as a rebuttal for my first statement, when we are with God receiving a NO answer is the best answer we can have.