God wants you to know that He is in control. He will place you at the right place at the right time

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Yes, He knows every single thing, even before it happened. God’s mind is way beyond for our minds to comprehend. He is the Lord God our Savior, the most high and powerful. He knows our lives more than we do, He knows us more than we do. That is why, we must trust Him. He knows what happened, what is happening, and what will happen. With that He wants what is best for us. He is in control because He does not want us to be in danger or to get harmed. Be still and let God.


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We often try to control our lives so much so that we forget God exists. We don’t want to surrender because we are afraid of what will happen in the future. We might believe Him but we don’t trust Him. The truth is we have little control over our own lives. The more control you seek in your life, the less you actually have. Embrace the life God has planned for you. Allow Him to shape your life as He wills. Our job is to live faithfully and obediently in what He has called us to do. There is nothing sweeter than surrendering control to God and letting Him have the burden of your worries.

Yes, indeed @Jenny.
We should be reminded that God is always in control. It is okay to not know how your future is going to be but remember that a good heart will take you to places. Know that God will always be in control and He has a plan for your future. We should not give up in living up to God’s expectations. God knows when the time is right. Let us continue believing in Him and spreading His goodness.

Hello, dear @Jenny
Yes! One thousand times yes to your words! God is such a good and loving father that he’s always guiding us, even if we don’t notice him, that voice that assures us where to go is him talking or that stranger that helps from out of nothing. He’s always taking care of us. That’s so reassuring, and it shows how much he loves us.
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero.

Hello @Jenny Learning to trust God fully is a lifelong process. We have to choose to trust in Him, much like we have to choose to give up control. We need to learn to let go and stop trying to figure out the “whys” of life, which is easier to do when we realized that God understands more about our life than we ever could. Write out a list of all the reasons you trust God, and include the ways that he’s carried you when you needed Him the most.