Here is the hard truth of the Gospel: Gods love is so great it offends the carnal mind. Gods love for people is greater than his hatred for their sin. So great it provoked him to offer his only son as a sacrifice for their sin that they may be saved simply by believing it.
Yes, behold, Gods love for the murderer, prostitute, liar, drug dealer and the rapist is greater than his hatred for their evil works. He is Love beyond our wildest imagination.
To say that God’s love for mankind is greater than His hatred for sin is defective theology. It implies that God’s justice (which is the very reason for His hatred for sin) is imperfect whereas the Bible’s teaching is that God is perfect in all His attributes
This is true about God’s Love its also True that those who practice works of Flesh who wilfully live in rebellion against God unrepentive Heart will NOT inherit Kingdom of God.Galatians 5:19-2119 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: … See more
God hates sin very much, l cannot say more than he loves but certainly he hates it enough to forsake Jesus on the cross while he bore the sins of the world. How he destroyed the world with a flood. The many time he orchestrated deadly destructions on … See more