God's Word and the message of His love and justice can satisfy more than anything the world can come up with

God’s Word and the message of His love and justice can satisfy more than anything the world can come up with.

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His words are like medicine, it heals us from the sickening feeling we sometimes get. His words can be very simple and very complex at the same times, but all with a purpose. A purpose to guide us as we live life. He did not just bring us to this world for nothing. He brought us all here with a mission to spread His word and make life worth living. We will be with Him soon and be happy eternally.

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Hello, dear @FaithinGod
Such a wise words… It’s a truth that we can’t escape, no matter how much the media and the devil try to change and tempt our minds, the only truth is that Jesus loves us and is always looking after us. Maybe I don’t have the exact words, but it’s such a wonderful feeling to have Jesus at our hearts, it instantly magnifies everything. You feel more complete, more happy.
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero.