Has anyone been successful in saving their family members and loved ones?

Has anyone been successful in saving their family members and loved ones? If so, what are some of your tips? Coming from a Cambodian background, my family grew up with a Buddhist background and seems super hard to open them up to the idea of Christianity.

Sarina Khuth

You yourself live a life unto God, unashamed of the gospel and of your testimonies. The evidence you present for christ is in your new self and testimonies. Don’t push it on them. It will happen naturally. Pray the Holy Spirit over your home, pray for strength and decernment. Don’t be consumed by pride. God’s timing is different for each person and His timing is always perfect. Love them, speak the truth when convicted, walk in Love and focus on your own walk, not that of others. Don’t judge them pray for them. By your conduct they will be convinced. Read your Bible, worship, praise and pray unashamedly. Let God transform you in front of others that they will lay witness to His power. This brings faith and belief even to the unbelievers.

Shelly Mees

According the scripture let your light so shine before men,that they may see your good wor,and glorify your father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16

Jabememej Makby

my late father received his salvation at his deathbed… Is not your time but God divine time. You need to continue to pray for your family member and share with them the love of God. Tell them your journey with Jesus and be Christ like and walk Christ like. The people will see light on you and gradually they will find you are so different from other. Shalom. God Bless

Mimi Chong

As believer’s of Jesus, God deals us differently in the family we live together for unbelieving love ones which part of our.family so sad when we deals with them regarding true Christianity but it seems will not work out we will not be worry But what important we shared the true meaning of.life which the gift of salvation. Let the holy spirit work for them if seems not.work the word of God is our comfort and we never give up on praying. Still we show love for them.

Gemma Llanto Cedeño

Silently come against the spiritual deception that blinds them. Pray without ceasing.

Ben Sizemore

“No man is without honor except in his own home.” Just live the life Jesus lived, be an example of his love for them. Don’t try to convert them or preach. Just be confident that God knows what he’s doing. In the end, if their decision isn’t made as a result of your example, then it isn’t your crop to harvest. Just don’t stop praying for them.

Peter Wood

I believe its because their view on the " higher power" that liveth inside you is similar to the One true God that dwelleth inside us all. They believe in outlandish theory compared to a near unbelievable Christian faith. I truly think that when converting a similar faith you must reach out and pray to God to give you the right words to say and the discernment to guide you to victory. Trust God. No one else

David Israel