Has anyone done a study on unicorns?

Has anyone done a study on unicorns? My understanding is they’re mythical but recently have been discussing with others who believe they could’ve been real just now extinct.

Anne Barillaro

Some say that mermaids are also real? But dosent mention them in the bible? Tho it does mention a unicorn?

John Foley

How come no one is talking about how Leviathan is still swimming around somewhere?!?!

David Dziura

With GOD all things are possible… it is what he wants to know that we will.

Jennifer Heddinger

They might’ve existed during Noah’s Days,I always believed. God didn’t want them to exist now,for some reason. God Bless!!

Daryl Monteiro

An explanation of figurative speech; English has it’s own metaphors, and similes, and so forth, and so does every other language. In a literal sense, the only one horned animal I know of is the Rhino; since this is such a powerful animal, if the passag… See more

Joseph Bacon

Of the many English translations of the Hebrew word used here, some use unicorn, others wild bull, still others wild ox, one said Reem, one said rhinoceros, and another said buffalo. The Hebrew word Reem (Ram) refers to a horned wild animal. It is sp… See more

Jeffery Blakeley