He sent his one and only Son into the world

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 1 John 4:9


Yes, imagine risking your only son. God’s love for us is beyond this world, it is immeasurable and unquestionable!

In relate with this.
Bible verse of John 3:16

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

We are sinner so He make a way by sending His Son. Thank you for loving us Lord God .
Thanks for saving us every day.

Hello @FaithinGod Amen! God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; found our hearts worthy enough to save, and to entrust us to spread the Gospel. Including handing us the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Let us not grow weary of His cause. And by His grace and mercies given us be proven worthy of our call. The harvest are plenty but the gatherers are few. Let’s stand for our call in Jesus Christ

Hello @FaithinGod Amen to that.
I have received some really nice and costly gifts over the years; especially from my husband. I know that my husband and family love me and not just because they tell me, but more importantly their actions demonstrate their love. Most people would agree that they know they are loved, because the people near and dear to them show it in some way. In other words, talk is cheap but true love requires sacrifice and action. As much as my family loves me, they could not purchase forgiveness for my sins or eternal life for me even if they wanted to. But God, the only One who could afford to pay the cost to forgive my sins and give me eternal life, has done so. “For God so loved the world,” that He demonstrated His love when He gave His one and only Son. Therefore, no gift is more costly or precious to me than God’s gift of Jesus Christ.