How can you encourage a church member to go to church early or at least don't be late

Tardiness is one of the problems I observed in one of the congregations that I visit(the congregation is not my home congregation). What do you think is a good way to encourage them to be on time without offending them? A member of that congregation, an elderly woman, voiced out that concern in one of the bible study open forum questions. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.

Hi! This is unfortunately true. I have also noticed this in our church. From what I have observed, during our mass in our church, people come before or during the priest’s homily and then leave when done. With this I get that people do want to listen to the word of God but not respect the whole mass. We must enlighten our fellow church members to respect the mass or the gathering. I hope people will be encouraged just by the fact that it is disrespectful if we do not fully pay attention to the whole gathering from start to end. The Lord God did not ask us to go to church every single day, so at least with the time given to go to church we pay respect and come early or on time.

As a church member it must be one’s priority to come on time on church. Why? Because it is only a once a week event. How come we came late to church when we can even wake up early when we will go to work?

It is a matter of prioritization and time mangement. No excuses.

Try to get to know that church member first.
Build relationship. As you build relationship, you will be able to find out what is or are the reasons why that church member is late. Or you can find out the real problem as well.

And as God reveal it the real problem and needs of that person, start speaking the truth in love in God’s right time, right place with the right person.