How can you show your love to your neighbors?

What does it really mean to love your neighbors as commanded by God and how can you show it to them nowadays in the context of Mark 12:30-31 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ he second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”


Hi ! @iona090
By simply remembering them in your prayers is a nice way of showing your love for them. We all know that prayer is very powerful, so just by including is a good thing to do.
Most of the time, we can extend our love for them by helping them, giving them some goods if they need it, or by just talking to them. Having a good relationship with your neighbors is a very nice thing too. Especially during these times, many people are suffering, maybe your neighbor is one of them so asked them if how are they doing. Having someone who cares for you is a big thing during this crisis.

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@iona090: this is a difficult question for me to answer as I am still in pain with my husbands aunt. But of course I still believe in “time will heal”, and probably I can live her and forgive her again.

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For me, it would mean to respect them, show kindness. Help them whenever they are in need. We are all here to help one another. No one is born for himself only. He is here to serve the Lord God and to help his neighbors.

Personally, showing love to our neighbor is to always put yourself in their shoes. Its not easy to embrace the imperfections and thorns of other people but keep in mind that we also have our own flaws. The way we treat others reflects our own heart. :wink:

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Hello, dear @iona090
I have always interpreted that part of neighbors as other people and like any people. See love is the commandment that the Lord wants us to live, so he wants us to love him, love ourselves and others too, this is because that’s the way of true happiness. By loving and receiving love is how you can overcome anything. It’s a fact, and if you think about it, wouldn’t the world be a better place if we loved the others the same?
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero

Hi @iona090, Love your neighbor as yourself.
“To love our neighbor means to serve our communities so that we are giving back what we receive. A continuous flow of goodwill and peaceful intent. ”

There are many ways we can show our love to them by giving our time, kindness, compassion, and prayers which are all free and meant for continuous sharing. The kindness that transfers to another when we genuinely smile at them has tremendous influence.

@kbadum: I do often do put myself in their shoes and understand what they been through, but I have a cousin who happens to be our neighbor; who hates us entirely for the reason we really don’t know…She keeps spreading rumors about us in our community until now. Last Apr 30, we initiated as a family to distribute relief goods in our neighbors due to this covid crisis, for those people who suffered from no work no pay scheme. Days after the relief goods are given, there she goes again spreading negative vibes to others and questionning us for why giving little. It just hurts that she is actually my 1st degree cousin and the number one hater of my family. Anyway, I’ll just continue to pray that she may find peace in her mind and heart…

Hi @iona090. I remember this word “To love our neighbor means to serve our communities so that we are giving back what we receive. A continuous flow of goodwill and peaceful intent. ” Even there are simple ways to show our love to our neighbor’s but also we can’t deny there are neighbor’s who aren’t really showing their kindness to us. But Jesus commanded us to love neighbor’s even though there are difficult times to love them but still loving them beyond, is what can we do to live peacefully.

Hello @iona090, this is a very timely topic because most of us are at home due to COVID19. We spend most of our time with the people near our home. But this is on the literal way of answering the question. Because our neighbors could be people we come across everyday, at work, at school, in the marketplace, everywhere, they could be our neighbors. To answer the question, the one word that comes into mind is RESPECT.

Luke 6:31 New Living Translation (NLT)

31 Do to others as you would like them to do to you.

For me this tells everything, with this in mind you’d be able to apply humility, love, giving space, all because you respect them for who they are. Most importantly living a life where God is glorified. Without opening our mouth we would be able to tell to our neighbors who Jesus is in our lives.

I can show my love to my neighbors by loving them first. We will encounter different person and in different situations. Sometimes they will test our attitude and patience so much. Someone says to me that “Remember that you are a child of God if you choose in the 2 options Be Bad or Be a good christian. always Choose Number 2”. Until now im syncing it whenever i go.

@iona090 Each and every one of us are in different situations and I would always keep that in mind. We should always stay kind and be compassionate towards others no matter how they treat us. I believe that once we pray for their hearts to be at peace, they would be at peace. That is how strong prayer is, and that is how strong our God is.


I agree, everyone is going through some things in their life. We do not know, that kid who got laughed at at school is facing a lot of family problems. We have to treat everyone with kindness. We might actually save a life if we lift each others spirits up! :yellow_heart:

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Hello everybody,how to love my neighbors. Personally, it is difficult to love a neighbor who sometimes pull you down, but as a believer im just lucky to know some of the scriptures or sometimes heard preaching about loving a neighbors so it is easier for me to understand them… so what i did to love them is to pray for them. and try to show kindness despite of what bad things they show you …

just wanted to share this… i search it from LIGONIER MINISTRIES
Coram Deo
Love of God and love of neighbor are connected. We cannot love God rightly if we do not love our neighbors, especially our fellow Christians, and we cannot love our neighbors rightly if we do not love God (1 John 4:20). As we grow in our sanctification, we must find ourselves loving both God and neighbor more and more. If we lack love, biblically defined, for either God or neighbor, we are not living a life that pleases our Creator.

we simply love them with all our heart. Love everyone else as God loves us. Spread love in the community and all will be at peace.