How do I know God is telling me something?

How can I know when God is telling me something?

God calls us in many ways,The Bible says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and hope” (Jeremiah 29:11). It’s important to tune out the commotion, if only for a few moments each day in order to hear His voice.
Sometimes, when we reach out to God, He gives us the answers to questions we didn’t even know we were asking. God always provides according to His purpose for us.
God is telling us to do more for others because we simply feel led to. The Bible tells us, “Now you belong to Him…in order that you might be useful in service to God” (Romans 7:4). One of the greatest ways to displays God’s love and reflect Christ’s presence is through acts of kindness and giving back. Regardless of your job or career, you are called to full-time Christian service. If you feel an underlying urge to do something bigger than yourself, to benefit the greater good without any need of reward, you are being called to take up Your cross. Listen to Him. When you use your God-given abilities to help others, you are fulfilling your calling.

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Thank you @Valerie! :blush: :yellow_heart:

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When I was younger, I asked this question to a pastor that I looked up to. His simple answer was “You’ll know”. As a young man I was disappointed with that. I hoped to get an earth-shattering answer. But when I grew older, I found out that what I got that day was right. “You’ll know” and I knew, somehow. Now I know I’m in the right line of work, appropriate ministry, and perfect life partner. I just knew.

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Hello, dear @kianna
When the time comes you’ll know it, it will come in any way possible, maybe a letter, an email, or an advice from family/friends, etc.
But in that moment, you’ll feel it inside your heart. You’ll know that was the will of God and what he wanted of you.
It’s like those times where you are certain of something, no matter what everyone or everything tells you, but you know it is right.
Hope it comes soon for you.
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero

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Wow, thank you so much @eestioko! :blush: That’s amazing! So happy to hear that.

Thank you so much, @Luis_Ruiz!! :blush: