How do I stop thinking about certain things?

How do I stop thinking about certain things?
Roman’s 12v21 - Overcome evil with the good.
Iow if I can’t stop evil or an evil thought I keep doing something good.

Gidon Bosman

put on the mind of CHRIST.

Melvin Clark

Isaiah 54:17No weapon forms against me will prosper. I condemn any bad thoughts rise against me!Know also that you are given the power and authority over all your enemy! Jesus loves you so much that He willingly went to the cross for you and so that the devil will have no power over you because YOU BELONG TO THE LORD! You are no longer a slaves of the devil! You are a servant of the LORD NOT THE DEVIL!grace untoYou! Ultimately ask the Holy Spirit to help you and guarantee He is ready to for you!

Caridad B. Monroe

You ask the holy spirit to help you everytime you rebuke those thoughts, & call Jehovah He will help you, works for me. He will hold your right hand & guide you. Jah bless you

Naledi Phele

Read your Bible to Renew your mind

Teri Frayser-Ratcliffe

I pray for wisdom daily

Bonnie Bishop Byrd Gardner

I Rebuke you Satan in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Christy Burke

Some thoughts are from the devil and some are our own. If bad crazy thoughts just pop up out of no where, that’s usually the devil. Keep pursuing God by reading your Bible, praying and praising Him. He’ll show you the truth and how to get through it

Sherri Bible