How do you handle jealousy? What do you do whenever you feel jealous? We are all human, we get jealous sometimes. How do you deal with it?
I deal with my jealousy by checking first what the real story was … just controlling my emotion first … so i will not make a wrong decision. we know that jealousy can trigger also your tempered and attitude… be careful of what you think because you are jealous it can hurt the person you love…
Hello, dear @kianna
This is one of the tough ones haha.
I always try to see or resolver my problems in a Christian way, ie doing good and not harming others (even indirectly), but with jealousy being a sentiment very self centered is a problem to deal with. To be honest when it occurs to me, before getting angry I ask for the other side of the story, as we usually imagine most of what makes us mad, after hearing it I think if how would I feel if I were the one who had done that, and then decide to discuss (not fight) with my couple. I feel like one way of the best ways of dealing with it, is accepting you can’t control others. To find a solution is to talk, and see how it progress from that point.
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero
@kianna: Jealousy is very much connected with insecurity and it is an inevitable emotion that pretty much every one of us will experience and mostly encounter. So how will we handle it? Firstly, consider what’s the reason that triggered it. Second, calm down and stay vulnerable. No matter how jealous we are, we need to find ways to be calm as always. Third, do not act out for you might able to spit out harsh words that you might regret after. Lastly, talk about it.
Sooo true! Sometimes, honestly, it annoys me lol. I don’t know why. I mean, I know to myself that the Lord God created me uniquely and I should not be jealous but then, it just happens. Though I try my very best to control it and open up. Thank you @MakkaPakka! God bless you!
I totally agree with on this one! Sometimes, whenever something makes me jealous, I just I don’t know, I just keep quiet and then overthink (which is obviously not good and toxic) but sometimes I just cannot help it. I do that for like three minutes and pray afterwards. I know things on my mind aren’t what they really are in real life, so I just pray and ask the Lord God for peace of mind. I am such an overthinker sometimes, so when things like this happen, I always ask the Lord for peace of mind. Anyways, thank you @Luis_Ruiz! God bless you!
@kianna: I do feel it sometimes too! Lol…I mean, a lot of questions formulating in my mind and then afterwards I get angry with small things. About an hour or more, I will locked up myself in my room; volumes up and come out after being refreshed. Lol…So weird!
Yeah, in about like a minute, I have made about 20 scenarios in my mind that just drives me really mad. lol
I just go to GOD and burst out all what’s in my heart and let Him be the one to search it.
I am open for anything He will pin point to me why I am jealous and surrendering to Him what I need to be surrender like insecurity etc.
Hello @kianna. It has been a struggle of mine ever since and it is still as of the moment. What I can share about this struggle is that, if we rely on what we can do then it would mean more struggle and more problem. When I opened this to my wife and we try to get deeper into the problem, we realized that one if not the main reason for being jealous is insecurity. So I have been trying for so many years to tell myself that I am better than who I think I am. But unfortunately its not doing any good at all. Now, what God is telling me is to surrender everything to Him who sits on the throne. Surrender everything to our God and submit to Him and allow Him to take away our struggles, our insecurity, and jealousy.
This has always been my problem with my ex before. Even small things triggers me and easily get mad. I think jealousy is a form of self insecurities and constant rejection from getting attention from your loved ones. It also affects my anxiety a lot. Like, I always fear of losing them but I end up losing myself instead.
Whenever I get jealous, it really helps when I expose my feelings to my partner. His reassurance helps me manage my thoughts and calm my insecurities. I think its normal to be jealous, but it becomes worst if you will keep it to yourself. That is why communication is important.
Hello there @IamRichardJohn…that’s a good realization… well, we must remember that we are created by God and we are born unique. We might not have the abilities and capabilities of others, but one thing is for sure; we also have a talent that no one has. If we cling to our insecurities, we will never grow coz we keep on comparing things that we don’t have. All we have to do is ask God to overcome oir struggles in jealousy and insecurity… God bless!
Hi @kianna. Dealing with the Jealous, is more likely showing our insecurities with the things we really want to have but we can’t. People might look at us as foolish person if we don’t beg our knees down. In times of Jealousy, what I did is I pray to God: to let him perish my unconscious feelings. Or He must show me the Jealousy but in the end I should experience a lessons so that in the future I know to handle my Jealous in the right manner and correct behaviour.
Hi there, @IamRichardJohn! Yes, I also realized that too. I have been so insecure about myself for, I don’t know, maybe years? I pray that all of these insecurities about myself will soon come to an end.
I hope it helps you. 7 things how to handle it.
*Don’t Act On Your Feelings. It is hard not to act the way you are feeling.
*Calm Down and Stay Vulnerable.
*Express Your Jealousy in A Soft Way.
*Appreciate Yourself.
*Heal Your Wounds.
*Trust Your Partner.
*Trust Yourself.
Hi @kbadum! Awwe, I really admire your relationship with your partner. It is really mature and healthy for a relationship to be open with each other!
100% AGREE!!
Hi, @Paulo_Juamis! Thank you so much for these! I definitely agree with the first one, sometimes my feelings bring out the worst in me which will just create more chaos and fights. God bless you!
Hello maam @kianna I will be praying for you. For years now I know and God revealed to me that these insecurities of mine will never do me any good especially with my marriage, but because of pride and a lot of self reliance I am failing to deal with it. We can do this maam, we can pray for one another and the best thing we can do is "let go and let God’. Lets remember God made us in His own image and likeness Genesis 1:27.
Yes. Definitely I agree with @Bhert. Dear @kianna We are humans. We are allowed to feel such extreme emotions like jealousy. I think we cannot stop ourselves to feel that way but I think we can prevent that by accepting you for who and what you are. By loving your flaws and capabilities, by To work on yourself is the best thing you can do. Accept that we are not perfect, but we are enough. And then start working on everything that triggers your emotions. Your insecurities, your ego,and dark thoughts. And you will see, in the end, you will make peace with yourself. You will be enough for yourself. And eventually, someone will accept you and love you for who you are.