How do you pray when someone wrongs you?

Christy Hickman Jesus doesn’t like when we hurt each other, Just do your part in what is Good and right, Talk to The Lord through it he will guide and help you through this… He knows every heart and where we stand… May you be comforted through your hurt

Jackie Osteen: I ask the Lord to give me forgiveness for them because in my own strength I can’t.

Michael Keith That’s a hard one but its necessary. I’m going through this right now and just know God is greater then the issue at hand. Ask God for deliverance from the the person that has wronged you and ask God to bless them and breath in and exhale knowing it’s in Gods hands now.

Honestly speaking, I have a hard time forgiving a person that wrongs me but I constantly pray that I will be healed first before I can totally forgive my enemy. So the first thing that I do is pray to God that my emotions be healed and be calm and pray to forget the pain and move forward. After feeling calm, I will pray for my enemy and ask God to let my enemy realize the situation and like me: could feel calm and forgive.

Being wronged by someone is indeed hurts a lot. So how do we cope up to this?
Let’s take a look at the example of one greatest injustices commited and how that person reacted to that injustice committed to Him.

When Jesus Christ, the sinless Lamb of God was nailed to the cross, he prayed.

Luke_23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.

We need to have a forgiving heart. If we don’t have it yet, we have to pray that God will help us develop a heart that forgives.

Having a forgiving heart is also a command.

Mark 11:26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

This is difficult to do but it is also for our own good. If we have a forgiving heart, we will not hold grudge against another person, which leads to a healthier state of mind.

It so hard to forgive some one who hurts you but you need to forgive because this is the right thing to do. because God forgive youre not exempted to Forgive we must forgive even it hurts so much allow God in our life to restore our hearts and removed the pain.

When someone hurts me, usually I ask the Lord God to forgive them. Maybe they did not know what they were doing, maybe they are on a risky path in life that’s why they hurt people. So I just ask the Lord to guide them, understand them. I do not know what’s going on their minds but I know for sure God will guide them and soon they will realize what they have done and that will help them grow and change as a good person.

Our sinful nature makes us want to retaliate when we are wronged but the Bible teaches us to turn the other cheek and as children of God, we have decided to follow the Word and obey it accordingly. Therefore when someone wrongs us we ought to ask for strength to forgive and also ask forgiveness for the person. Doing this makes us lose any bitterness we might have towards them. This is not sudden as much we would wish it was, but very gradual but sure.

I remember this bible Verse
The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.Mark 12:31.
Im not a perfect person but if you will ask me if i do this things perfectly. I will just say im doing my best Because sometimes we have a pre judgement thing on a person. we decided first who they are even though we don’t know them well. But in this Word of God he said that we need to know them first. Show them Love even though you dont know them because we are all the same in the eyes of our God.

I have experienced this before, it was the time when someone is triggered by his anger. He can’t control the temper, at that time my emotions also affected because literally I’m mentally affected when someone said wrong about my personal life, it seems not good to my mind. Likewise we will experience anxiety, doubt and lack of confidence. Each time, when someone did wrongs to me, I’ll just pray to calm my mind and let me accept to what is right and change what is wrong to me. I pray to God, that He will allow the forgiveness inside me and move forward his plans in my life, then focus well on the negative side.

Being wronged is extremely saddening especially when you trust that person so much. However, having the courage to forgive them is what God wants and what we really need. Matthew 6:15; “But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
I believe that it is not easy to forgive especially when you are hurt. That is why we should always talk to God first before doing anything we will regret.

Wow what a question! I’d be a hypocrite if I will say to guys that I am not affected by this. Being hurt by someone and even worse is being hurt by someone close, really affects my attitude and paradigm. Anger consumes me, it began to dominate what’s inside me, until now I’m still struggling on how to overcome. Then my gracious God who loves me, never gave up on me. He gives me constant reminder like 1 Samuel 17:47 telling me to trust Him because the battle is His and He always wins. And what’s amazing is that, God taught me to pray for blessing for that person who wronged me. God’s amazing grace sustained me, replaced my anger with humility and love to the point of even extending blessing to the people I least expect to pray for.

@Jimmy_Ka Everybody makes mistakes. That’s part of life. We may not always understand God’s decision such as when he let someone hurt us. But even if they cause us pain, confusion or heartbreak, in the end, they are always in our favor even if we cant see it yet.

Let the Lord correct them if they are wrong. I think God doesn’t wanna see them drowning with their own mistakes. Let God allow to correct them and by that correction, they will become a better person. And so are we. Learn to forgive them and move on.

Proverbs 3:11-12
“My child, don’t reject the Lord’s discipline, and don’t be upset when He corrects you. For the Lord corrects those He loves, just as Father corrects a child in whom he delights”

This applies to everyone. Not just to people who wrongs us but also to us who in one way or another have wrong others too.

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when someone did something bad on me,
first i prayed for myself, i pray for a clean heart , i pray that God will heal my heart and be strong for He is with me, i pray that no hatred will dwell in my heart
then i pray for that someone, i pray that God will visit him/her and give him/her a bright mind and heal also the wounds inside the heart

I agree with you @Jean! We all make mistakes, we are all in the process of discovering new things. We all get a little lost sometimes, we all get confused and reach our breaking points. What matters is that we correct our wrongs. We are all trying to figure things out every step of the way.

Hello there, dear @Jimmy_Ka
This is some complex stuff, even if we already know the answer, it’s hard. When we feel hurt or bad because of others we let bad feelings invade our minds and start having resentment.
Obviously, this is the wrong way of living, as hate is the opposite of God, the opposite of love.
I think the Bible says the best:
Mark 11:25 – And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
We must forgive, because that’s what is right. And if we don’t, then how are we going to ask forgiveness to God for all of our sins?
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero


I hope I can practice to do that too coz sometimes I easily explode, and all I wanted is that; that someone should realize the wrong thing she/he done so I will be calm…but of course things doesn’t always come out the way we expect it to be…so I end up angry, easily irritated, judgemental at times and depressed. But in the long run, I learned how to ignore, forgive, and pray for those who wrongs me…