How do you understand the role of Theology?
Do you mean the logic of theology? I think the the logic of theology is philosophy. In the beginning, some philosopiers write God as that way. Theology like the logic of theology.
Theology is Faith seeking Understanding…
God cant be controlled by theology…in certain point its OK but not in whole
Theology is the science of knowing God. Science uses the human intellect.
To know God is developping an intimate and constant relationship with God through prayer, fasting, praise and worship, study and meditation of the Word of God (the Bible). The connection has to be made with the heart. Theology may help you understand something about doctrines and things around God but it CAN’T teach you who God is. This kind of knowledge is given through revelation by the Holy Spirit in someone’s spirit. Jesus is the Way to get to God.
For organizing our faith better.
Theology is way for us to understand bible and our belief in a organized way. it’s not necessary for us but if we want to teach others or we want to have a clear understanding about bible, it will be useful for us. Theology can’t surpass our faith.