How do your problems affect your relationship with God?

When your mind or life is full of problems, do you feel closer to God or farther from God? How do you deal with your problems so as not to think any negative regarding the Lord?

Well for me, everytime I have a problem; I strongly cling to the Lord. Most of my problems are bearable and easily be solved but sometimes too unbearable that I need God’s loving mercy to stop my agony. My relationship with God is stable even if I do not have a problem, and it should remain intact as always.

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When I dealt with different problems I often relay to God my worries and hardships, and it helped me a lot. For it is said in 1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” God will not give problems that He knows you cannot handle, all of those hurdles in life were just a part of our development of who we are right now.

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Hello, dear @kianna
I always fell at the same distance from God, not further or closer because of a problem. Remember every problem has a solution. During troubles I try to not be those kind of people who only remember our Father when in bad situations, so I don’t give the blame to him. I try to come up with solutions, and of course it can be hard or frustrating sometimes, and when I do find one I thank him for guiding me and giving me the resolve.
Always praying and talking with him, at least one time a day.
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero

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Thank you @MakkaPakka

That’s good. God bless you @iona090

That’s wonderful. I agree with you @Luis_Ruiz. God bless you

Hi ! @kianna
If I am to ask the “me” now, I can say that my problems makes me want to trust Him more and more. My perspective definitely changed as I mature. Maybe if this question has been given to me years back, my answer is totally different and would’ve even blamed Him for all the misfortunes that happened to me. Sometimes I doubt him but then I am reminded of how faithful he was and still is to me. My relationship with God is stronger (if I may use this word) than what I used to have.
Problems are there for us to be more confident in Him, that despite the struggle we know that He always got our backs and that we are surrounded by Him.

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Hi, @Jedidiah, wow that is so wonderful! I pray to the Lord that I will hopefully soon have that mindset that you have right now. Now, it is just so hard whenever my emotions bring out the worst in me. Sometimes, I feel like a slave of my own emotions. It is honestly very frustrating. But, whenever problems arise, I try my very best to stay calm and talk to God politely, and not just mad and full of negativity. I salute you, @Jedidiah! You’re such an inspiration! God bless you!

I’m glad I could be of help to you @kianna. I used to not know how to react and handle the situations that I face properly, so I end up being enraged and full of negativity. Then at the end of the day, you’ll realize you just wasted alot of energy into something that is not worth it. I pray that may you get your peace and complete rest in Him.

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Yes, it can be really really frustrating. But I am glad that, slowly, even when I am mad I also reflect on the problems I have. Thank you so much, @Jedidiah!

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You are very much welcome ! @kianna

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