How to be positive?

How can one stop negative thinking and how can one overcome negative thoughts?

The bible is the book of Life, Pray and meditate the word of God then slowly you start to think what God says…Gods thoughts higher than your thoughts and His ways higher than your ways…

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Wow! Beneficial question

the best way to wash away the negativity is to fill up the positive thoughts…its kind of Practice…since we born and grow in the fallen world… the negativity became part of our nature so day by day we should practice to think positively…

Good question!
i think this following video clip will help you…

I want you to have faith. You can be stable and happy in your life of faith.

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In My own way of thoughts.
To be a positive person just keep in your mind that you can do that thing first but stay humble.
2nd Be who you are don’t let anyone judge you because they did not know you. Just ignore them and strive for greatness. Your Silent accomplishment will be a good revenge with them.
3rd. To stay positive Don’t Forget to ask for the Lord’s Help and be thankful for the blessings that He made on your Life.

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I agree! This has helped me a lot in being positive. Recognizing the blessings I received from God and being grateful. I always hope for a bright and good future because I know God is with me. Whatever challenge I face, I stay positive because I know I am not alone. The answer to your problem is God.

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This can be easily said than done. Always having a positive attitude is not that easy especially when you’re not in the best place. Despite this, we can always talk to the Lord about everything that we are feeling. We can also recall every blessing that we have received and thank the Lord. Let us not focus on the bad things that might happen but focus on the good that is happening. God has a plan for our future and we should strengthen our faith in Him.


Crying your heart out to the Lord really helps. At night when I feel so stressed and problematic, I talk to the Lord God and cry. I finish up with a prayer and I wake up in the morning feeling good. God listens to us and heals us.


Hello, dear @jacobSmith
Well it is not that simple, and it really depends on the angle you are seeing it. How to be positive with what? If you mean generally in your whole life, you need to change how you see things and find solutions, get up every time there’s a difficulty, stand your ground and fight against adversity. The truth is, while all of this are things you got go do, uniting it with having faith and believing in God is the best way to fuel you with determination and resolve to do it! Go have better and more positive feelings!
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero.

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I think being positive is a choice. We may not be able to control the negativities that cross our minds but it’s up to us if we would let ourselves be affected or choose to look at the brighter side regardless of what we feel. What we feed our minds can greatly affects us in all aspects of our life so we have to be wise.

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