How to enjoy your life with God every day?

How to enjoy your life with God every day?

One of the daily lessons I learned recently about getting close to God is this: pray, proclaim, worship, and then start do some simple things in the name of God.I find the importence of worship more and more.When we begin each day with praise and end each day with worship, we all begin differently.You can try it in every day.

wow amazing question, i enjoy my life with God by simply spending time with Him

Pray and Read the Bible

Read the Bible every day.
Read the Bible every day.
Read the Bible every day.
I cannot emphasize the necessity of this enough. And not just a verse. Read a few chapters, minimum of 5.

Repent of your sins every day to God, ask God to help you to not sin and to obey Him.
God’s gives us joy once we follow him whole heartedly!


Listen to His Word, read the Bible and pray to Him.

Meditate on His words first when you start your day. And keep those words in heart as you live through the day and quietly listen to the voice of Holy Spirit within.

It is obedience to the word of Jesus. And I want to follow the life of his sacrifice. I feel that I am with Jesus when I live a life of service.