Thank you so much for the advice Ms. @MakkaPakka, you are right maam it is during this time that I’ve learned to surrender everything to God. My struggles, pain, worries, anxiety, and even the things that make me happy, I surrender everything to God. It made a huge impact in life, to trust God in everything. Knowing that He is in control of everything and to know that with Him everything will work out perfectly. Thank you so much maam, it’s really comforting to be part of this community and to receive genuine advice from a sister in Christ.
That is wonderful news @IamRichardJohn. I am very happy for you! The Lord God is always by our sides and He uses us human beings too as instruments to help each other.
Thank you Sir @Luis_Ruiz…How are you going? I will pray for your safety there in Venezuela too…You are right Sir, God is always with me and to us all… And he is the only person who could understand us, and the only person who doesn’t get tired of listening to us… God bless you Sir…keep safe as always!
No worries @IamRichardJohn…Surrendering is not a form of cowardness but surrendering is literally giving up all control to the things we can’t handle. It is a way of telling God that we are not big enough to deal with our worries, and He must take over. This too shall pass…strengthen your trust in God, and everything will run smoothly. Let go and let God…Have a blessed Sunday Sir…
Depression is a really sensitive topic for most people. People have different coping mechanisms but I believe one of the most important things to have is courage. Courage is the ability to overcome the pain you’re feeling.
There is no easy way out of it but know that every process takes time. You need to believe in yourself and you need to believe that there is something good waiting for you in the future because their is! Recall every blessing you received, small or big, and thank the Lord. It is always hard in the beginning but know that God will always be with you every step of the way.
@hbbm14: Yeah, it really takes courage to combat depression and it really takes time to overcome. All you have to do is live a positive life…like doing things to make you busy, diverting your worries to something productive like gardening, baking, cooking etc. And of course never stop praying for complete healing…
A friend of mine has an insightful take on depression. I asked permission to post her blog here:
About Depression
In Grade 4, I would hear a lot of bad words being hurled at me behind my back. Needless to say, it was depressing. Well, come to think of it, my first struggle in life was just to be born alive, and I didn’t know about it. I can imagine the dread that my parents might have felt when they saw me for the first time. I looked like, well, a monster. I have a scar for a right cheek and my lips permanently grimaced a frown. My hands are like crab pincers. These are ingredients to depression, clearly.
Then recently, I got diabetes. I was at the peak of my career. I landed a writing job for leading daily and achieved my dream to be a writer when I was only 25 years old. But I got diabetes and slowly my poor one eye turned from bad to worse. I am now completely blind. Depressed yet?
Depression is not easy to overcome. It was a long process. I can’t really pinpoint how or when. My family was a big help. When I completely lost my vision, they taught me how to walk around. Where’s the TV, cooler, water station, and stuff so I won’t stumble around. They didn’t pressure me. I didn’t hear anything negative from them, although I knew I gave them a hard time.
My church was also very helpful in helping me get over depression. I guess the key is again, surround yourself with the people you love and with positive thoughts, and stay there.
@eestioko: Can you please hug your friend for me Sir? I salute his/her braveness despite of what had happened into his/her life at the very beginning…Like your friend, I have depression too…but I find it so hard to battle from it…The only thing that keeps me going is my daughter, and my parents…you might ask “how about your husband?”, he is not actually helping me to get through with it…I mean he just keeps telling me everytime I cry that “depression is only in the mind” and then scold me again …Anyway, sorry if I vent out…I will read your friend’s testimony many times to get me inspired…
@zayn22 iI hope you are doing fine, may you feel His hug every time you feel depress. May you feel His comfort in times of difficulties, worries and pain.
when you feel so low , I encourage you to make it a habit to meet Jesus each day in His word. It feels like you are just talking to a friend nearby. Godspeed praying for you