I am seeking a miraculous breakthrough in my financial circumstances

Hi my brothers and sisters. It is rare I personally ask for prayers but the time is now as I am seeking a miraculous breakthrough in my financial circumstances. Having spent a large part of the last 6-9 months doing our Fathers work, I am trusting in Gods word in Luke 12:31 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.”
Whilst sharing many experiences and wisdom and miracles on Facebook and YouTube I haven’t been spending time on trying to get paid work to pay bills and keep afloat, and by Gods grace and blessings my head is still above water. This month and moving in to next month I am relying on a miracle intervention from our Father and your prayers will be immensely appreciated.
God bless and protect you and all your family members, Agape Paul

Paul Rouke

I will keep you in prayer brother.Hold fast to your Faith

Catriona Harbison


Faustina Shaari

I love the scriptures you quoted. If we just work for God’s, Jesus promised that God will feed those who work for him. In Matthew 6:24, Jesus said the ultimate choice will be whether we will work for God or work for money. This is perhaps the most hated of all Jesus teachings, and yet, those of us who have stopped working for money and started working for God alone, testify this to be very true. The Tentmaking Myth (and more) - YouTube

Ryan Christian