I began my spiritual journey as a Catholic... and on my way, I discovered a hurting truth

I began my spiritual journey as a Catholic… and on my way, I discovered a hurting truth… The hurting truth is that Catholics are not Christians and there are enormous reasons to prove it… The first simple reason is… in the bible, Christians were never called Catholics and you can never find the word Catholics in it… The second simple reason is… the lifestyle of Christians is different from that of Catholics… Read the bible if you do not agree…

“… Catholics are not Christians…”

I believe my relationship with God, Jesus Christ, makes me a Christian. I follow Jesus Christ as my Creator King, not just as Savior (a perfect holy man but also the great YWH at the same time). I was born in an Anglican (episcopal) Catholic family. My dad an Episcopalian priest. As a four, five or six year old boy, I heard about John 3:16 in a Baptist church in the neighborhood I grew up in. I came into a deeper relationship with God as heavenly father, best friend and master counselor after I met a beautiful, compassionate, lover of Jesus, who is now my wife. Still growing in my walk with Jesus, I read the Bible, grasped God’s Message and discovered not all Anglican catholics are Christians. Christians do not commit to and follow a religion or Christian denomination. The souls in the Body of Christ truly follow Jesus as King of kings, not just as savior…

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I always like to entertain the thought that I’d be surprised on the number of Catholics I will see in heaven.

Indeed, there are many practices in the Catholic church that are against the Bible. However, this does not mean that there are no people inside the Catholic church that will ever encounter God. I believe that when God said that those who seek will find Him, He is speaking the truth.

There are many ways people find Christ. Some are saved from the world of crime, some are saved from the many avenues of evil in this world. But many will be saved from religion, and this includes even the people in the church (at least in my opinion).

The thing is, it would do us all good to seek a common ground, instead of our differences. Yes, we do take a hard stance on what is right and wrong. But, we do not let people suffer because we think we are right. :wink: