I don’t believe God erases our names out of the book of life. However, I do think by not living, or trying, to live the life God expects us to live by following his commandments and believing in Christ our Lord

I don’t believe God erases our names out of the book of life. However, I do think by not living, or trying, to live the life God expects us to live by following his commandments and believing in Christ our Lord, we push ourselves away from Him. And by us rejecting God, we could put ourselves on the road to Hell. I think these verses have a lot to say about what happens if we stay in our sinful lives and don’t follow Gods directions. As long as we try to walk in Jesus’ foot steps, the Holy Spirit will be there to help us back up when we slip back into our old ways and God we forgive us. God bless you!

Bryan Hunt

Revelation 3:5 says he(Jesus) will blot(erase) our name out of the book of life, Hebrews 5:9 And being made perfect he(Jesus) became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.

Roy Lisa Harvey

Don’t follow what man says is good and right…Jesus is the TRUTH, the life and the way…put ALL your trust and faith in Him…I can attest…He will provide and protect!..let go of all your fears and anxiety…you will slowly begin to have a peace of mind… See more

Debbie Zimmerman

Amen lord bless love

Tina Rodriguez