I fell in love with Jesus because He loved me when I didn't love myself

quote by: GFGC Youths

I fell in love with Jesus because He loved me when I didn’t love myself. :heartpulse:

Hello, dear @Rebecca
Great words! I consider myself one testament of it, because in my teenage years I really didn’t like myself, I felt depressed constantly, you could say it was puberty, but it all started to change when I started to take my religion seriously and opened my heart to Jesus in a true way. He didn’t let me down, he even lift me to get better, so I won’t let him down either.
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero.

Hi @Rebecca! Thank you for sharing this quote.
I love this because I can relate to it. I have always been so insecure of myself and of my capabilities that I lose motivation in becoming better. The Lord helped me through this because I always pray at night to Him and talk to Him about everything. I let my feelings out to Him and I told myself that I can do anything. I soon learned to love myself more and I am towards gaining more self confidence.

Amen! There are at least two reasons why God loves you so much. First, it is His nature to love. The Bible says that God is love. Love is the word that best describes God’s nature. Second, you are His creation. God loves you just as good earthly parents love their offspring. People may not seem very special to others, but to their mother and father they are always special. This should help you understand how God could really like you even though you may not like yourself very much. Also, God sees you as you can be and will become not just as you are now. God has faith in you and in His ability to make you someone special.

Most everyone wants to love and be loved. Yet as much as we value love, our love pales when compared to the breadth and depth of God’s love for all of His children. You likely love your immediate family and friends more than strangers you’ve never met or that guy who just cut you off in traffic. But God, our Heavenly Father, loves all of His children. Yes, He is disappointed when people disrespect Him or disobey His commandments, but “God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth

Hello @Rebecca Yes amen! My journey to falling in love with Jesus was a long one. I didn’t even realize I had the wrong idea of Jesus until my faith was tested soon after giving my life to Christ. As soon as I was tested, I began to turn my back on Jesus and question everything He said He was. That happened because I didn’t really know Him. He knew me intimately, and He knows you intimately. He knows every single hair on our heads. But, we don’t just know Jesus intimately in return. We have to study Him and spend time pouring into His Word to truly know Him.

During the times that I can’t love myself because of my imperfections and failures, God’s love abounds most. He never fails to show me that I am worthy to be loved. He is always there to love me without any judgement. In His love, I found restoration and I learn to see myself through His eyes. Until now, I am still struggling to love myself. I know that loving yourself is a continuous process. It doesn’t happen overnight but with God I am already victorious.