I have been diagnosed with PTSD,Can the god heal my broken heart?

I have been diagnosed with PTSD.
I feel depression and sadness.
I cry all the time.
I feel that my sadness is permanent.
I feel thatt I will never overcome my sadness.
I cry for remembering my girlfriend.
Does the god understand me.
Can the god heal my broken heart ??

Medo San

Prayers IJNAmen

Jeremy Watkins

Satan is after you faith through your emotions. Rebuke him in Jesus name. Satan is causing you to have the wrong faith in “God”.Since God moves in the spiritual realm, our dependence on Him and what He does shouldn’t be based on what we see in the physical realm. John 4:24”God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”Matthew 21:22

Mary Horrigan

1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your burdens upon Them because They care for Us.”

Anthony Akins

Jesus can help you as he has many others including me. i also take vitamin D is good for depression.

Rosemary Lange

Dont give up. Keep on praying. By Jesus stripes you are healed. Received it by faith

Sharon Padayhag

Prayers. The Lord can do anything. He can heal you. Trust Him.

Laura Diaz

Aw blessings to you through this time my friend…such a hard time. If at first as you adjust you need medication and/or counseling-make sure you look after yourself in this way. As you proceed through this time of your life, seek strong Christian brothers or sisters who can help support and mentor you through this time. Remember God is about edifying not tearing down, so look for those that do. Don’t spend too much time alone in your thoughts. At least call someone to pray with you. We need people and this has been a time of many of us not seeing other people. We all need it. God understands you better than you do. And God can heal anything. Just believe in His Son and lean on Him-I know that can sound simplistic, but I mean really lean-keep your focus on God not your circumstances and He will strengthen you. It may take time. Some things do that teach us the most. Don’t give up. Remember if we cast our anxieties on Him the peace of God that surpasses understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. God cares about your heart and mind.

Susan Newman