I have confused and going back and forth about my salvation. Whether or not I'm saved

Reflection from Alissa Jackson

Hey guys. I need some help/advice. About 2 months ago, one night, I began thinking about how I’ve been living a sinful life and the fact that it breaks God’s heart. I cried out to God and asked for forgiveness for my sins and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I cried for a while, then felt peace come over me. I said the “sinners prayer” as suggested. I don’t know how it happened. It was random. I have been told that what I experienced was true repentance and some have also said it was Jesus letting me know I was forgiven and everything will be ok. I began watching different pastors on YouTube. I haven’t seen much change in my life. I have noticed some, like I used to VERY rarely pray if at all, I used to NEVER read the Bible. I have began doing both of those things. Also, I used to cuss all the time and focus on Michael Jackson all the time. I’ve stopped focusing on MJ and cussing has almost completely stopped. But I thought a lot more would change drastically as time went on, especially since it’s been 2 months. Are some sins harder to turn from than others? Or do some take longer to completely stop than others? I’m not sure if I’m asking this question correctly, but I hope you know what I mean.
However, there are days I don’t pray or read the Bible and just spend the day watching TV if I’m not at work. There are days I do read the Bible and pray. I began praying more, recently. I have confused and going back and forth about my salvation. Whether or not I’m saved. I’m not sure. I really need help. If I’m not, I want to be saved. I want to know the Lord and have a very close relationship with Him. I want to serve Him and follow Him. There are times I pray and it feels like sometimes nothing happens. Is that normal? At times I worry about falling away or something like that, because I still sin, sometimes often, and I don’t want to. I want to grow spiritually, but I feel like I’m at a “stand still”. Some things were very surprisingly easy to stop doing, like cussing or spend all day talking about Michael Jackson. I at times still feel like just as worldly as before I found Jesus (more like He found me) I feel like I’m failing somewhere or doing something wrong. Am I?

Just follow what God has written on the holy bible, be kind have faith on him and you will be save. I think our salvation will depends on our actions.

It’s a journey, I had a similar experience and it’s been three years. We are sinful creatures and only Jesus is perfect. Continue giving it to him and he will remove it in His time. Reach out when the stronghold try’s to take over. He never leaves you and you are His masterpiece and those take time. We are never complete until we are home. God loves you and forgives you, he knows your heart. God Bless welcome to the Family. You were born again your spirit is made righteous in the blood of Jesus. Keep in Scripture, keep praying, and continue seeking Him. This is God’s Grace it’s free not earned, be still (in His Word, prayer, etc.) and get to know your ABBA, Father.

Reply from Summer Bachert

Hello there Alissa…thanks for sharing your testimony here… Battling life is an everyday process, it is a journey…It is only at first hand that you will feel that nothing is truly happening in your life…but if you will continue praising God everyday, you will find changes within…you have to remember that things might be delayed in your part, it is because God is preparing the best for you…Just strengthen your faith more…God bless you!

Hello, dear @FaithinGod
I think Alissa is a little confused… I appreciate that she wants to change, she wants to grow in her faith and to feel the happiness and love of Jesus in her life. But she’s seeing it the wrong way, the reason she’s still on her own growing is because she is still wanting to see to believe. She needs to believe to see, that’s the only way she’ll feel God every time she prays and she will let guide him through the good way. This doesn’t happens magically, and stopping on enjoying hobbies is not what God wants. She needs to see things in a little more mature way… She needs to meditate and pray, talk with God in a true way. This will not happen just because she reads the Bible, she needs to really pray from her heart.
Kind regards, Luis Guerrero.

Just pray,repent and ask God for forgiveness.As long as you have God in your heart you will be save and blessed by him.

This is a common struggle among Christians. I find this analogy to be helpful: when we were born in this world, we became humans but we struggle in being humane and good. But there’s no denying we are human beings.

We were born in the spirit in Christ when we let Him in our hearts. That is why Jesus used the term “born in the spirit” (John 3). It’s difficult to be in the spirit, we struggle to become spiritual and good Christians. But there’s no denying by faith that we have been borne in God.