I’m dealing with extremely abusive voices and I really don’t like how things feel and how argumentative people are with me. I don’t think it’s a big problem but I can’t really get any sleep because of how bothersome these things are. I really need God to do something about them quickly.
Cast out the Meanless thoughts of your mind in Jesus name Amen I used to struggle with the same.
God will do something quickly and suddenly in you, Jeun. But, you have to prepare your heart. (Romans 12: 1, 2) For, when he does come quickly, you have diligently prepared your heart’s altar and He brings the fire. You plow up the fallow ground and he brings the seeds of His Truths, waters them with His Words of Life and He gets the increase AND all of the glory! You fan the flames that He started, that may have gone down to ambers, due to the cares of life or stuff getting in the way, between you and the fire starter, Jesus! We are to surrender to Him and draw near/get closer to Him, then He promises to draw near /come closer to us. We submit to God and resist the devil and God comes and feels our hearts with Himself. We are to lay aside EVERY weight and sin that so easily beset us and run with patience, the race that is set before us." (Hebrews 12:1) God is calling us to fully participate in the process with Him. To “perfect holiness, in the fear of the Lord”. “Work out your own salvation, with fear and trembling.” And then, “it is God working in us, both to do & to will His good pleasure.” “We shut doors (of the enemy and bad influences to us), that no one can open AND open doors ( to the things of the Lord) that no one can shut!” (Isaiah 22:22) We get with a believer or several of them and agree, touching anything declared in God’s Word for us and Jesus will be in our mist", catching away the enemy of our souls. (Matthew 18:18)God is calling us to quit yourself as men / to man up in Him and fight the good fight of faith, putting our God given, personalized armor on and being soldiers of Light for Jesus! It is us working with Him working with us!! It is the most wonder-filled life that anyone can ever experience ~ knowing the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. (John 17:3) We have already begun living out eternal life on Earth, in doing so.
Peace is not the calm… peace is the assurance that God is with you in the storm. Pray and ask God to provide you with the whole armor of God. Stay in the word- read your Bible and memorize the truth. Ask God to strengthen your full armor, and to give you the strength to withstand the battles, for the battle belongs to the Lord and the battle is already won! God did it before in the times of old, He can do it again for you! Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding: in all your ways acknowledge him and He will make your path straight.
Long suffering is the only way know tht the world hated Jesus before it hated you…assure yourself tht this is the way the truth the light. Amen
It is that FAITH you HAVE by ASKING God to do SOMETHING about it that will PREVAIL. If you truly BELIEVE that God will.I once asked my Pastor about VOICES. He said EVERYONE hears VOICES. He SAID don’t FOLLOW those VOICES. FOLLOW God’s.If you need someone to TALK to about WHY you’re hearing VOICES. I will hear you out and have questions of my own for you.There’s a REASON why you can HEAR those VOICES. BELIEVE me. . .
Sending you prayers and ask God to comfort and guide you and to wrap his loving arms around you!! God bless you